viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Venezuelan Career Diplomat Resigns to the UN Human Rights Council Mission

Isaías Medina, a career diplomat from Venezuela who until yesterday was part of the Venezuelan mission to the United Nations has resigned to his post after giving declarations to a digital news channel exposing his opinion about the current political situation in his home country.

Medina argues that he can no longer be part of a mission that defends Human Rights while his very own country has violated every single right and constitutional guarantee.

According to his very own words: "Crimes against humanity, torture, political prisoners, hunger, a barbaric repression against students who exercise their right to protest and a systematic violation of rights by a Government that thwarts the civil population´s cry for change" are the reasons behind his resignation.

Here's the first interview that sparked anger among Venezuelan UN diplomats:

A second telephone interview is now available on YouTube:

The Colombian News channel NTN24 also spoke with Medina about his most recent declarations:

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